Pitch. Perfect.
Create customized pitch decks for groups of creators in one click
About pitch decks
Select creators
Filter and search your CRM to select  creators to include.
Create in one click
Add a custom description or message and click to generate.
Send to brands
Copy the link to your pitch deckto send to brands.
Auto-updating analytics
Say goodbye to screenshots
Always up to date, whether a brand views them in minutes or months.
Data-driven pitches
Pitch your creators
Put the spotlight on your talent with detailed data that lands the deal.
Previous collaborations
Showcase previous collaborations
Leave no doubt. Pull in links to content and results for past projects.
Media kits
Link to your media kits
Get granular. One click dives into any creator’s personal resume.
Beacons has provided our team an amazing centralized location for our entire roster.

With Beacons, we're able to pull stats updated in real time, organize pitch sheets for brands, and safely store client's personal data.
Colleen Rowbottom
Artist Manager, NineFour
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