Income Dashboard

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What is it?

Save time and take control of your finances

Understand your income and watch it grow. Say goodbye to spreadsheets. Say hello to one simple dashboard for all your accounts and income, with customized insights to help you grow.

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How to use?
  1. Connect your Income directly with your bank account, upload a CSV file, or manually input income.
  2. Categorize your income into different categories (Ad revenue, Affiliate links, Brand Deals, Tips, Subscriptions and more)
  3. You can see your income flow, your total YTD income, monthly income, as well as an all-time income breakdown
How can you use it?
Track all income in one place
Store and access documents
Understand your finances
Make tax season a breeze
One simple dashboard
Automatically sync income across all connected accounts for a complete view of your income in one easy-to-read dashboard.
Connect your income
Directly link your bank account, upload a csv file, or manually input income. Wherever you're making money, you can track it here.
Document storage
All documents at your fingertips. Attach a contract or invoice to your transaction records, so you can find things when you need them.
Use tags to organize
Easily organize your income with customizable, creator-specific tags, so you know exactly how much you're earning month to month.
Import and export
No more lost information or last minute panic during tax season. Simple export and import features makes managing finances and taxes easy.
Personal reporting
Monitor your financial health with monthly reports and personalized insights. Fully understand your finances and strategize where to grow.
Notable Users
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Which income sources can I track with Beacons?

You can track any income source you want to in your Beacons dashboard! Directly link your bank account with Plaid, upload a csv file with data, or manually input any type of income you want to track.

We know creators often rely on multiple sources of income, and that these income streams can vary month to month. This revenue tracker was built with creators in mind to help you get a full, accurate picture of your finances in real time.

Is my personal information secure in Beacons?

Yes, your personal information is encrypted and secure in Beacons. We use Plaid to connect your bank accounts, which is a a financial authentication app with internationally-recognized security standards including ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and is SSAE18 SOC 2 compliant. Both Beacons and plaid share values of data privacy, security, and data protection. We do not share your data with any third party without your consent and do not sell or rent your personal information.

Does Beacons sell my data?

No. Beacons does not sell or rent the personal information we collect. We do not share your data with any third party without your consent and will only use your data with your permission. For more information on how we use your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

When Beacons retrieves my financial information, who has access to it?

Beacons uses Plaid to connect your financial accounts. More information on Plaid's commitment to data privacy and security can be found here. We do not share your data with any third party without your consent and do not sell or rent the personal information we collect.

At any point, if you wish to delete your data from Beacons's systems or no longer want Beacons to have access to your data, or if you’d like to stop sharing your data with a specific app, we’re happy to help! Please reach out to our team at [email protected].

If you have any questions about our privacy practices in general, please reach out to us at [email protected].

The best time to create was yesterday.
The next best time is now.
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